Recommended basic skills courses are
- College Readiness in English
- College Readiness for Quantitative Literacy
A dental hygienist is a licensed healthcare professional who is skilled and an essential member of the dental health care team in the delivery of preventive dentistry. In the traditional role in the state of Colorado, a dental hygienist performs procedures such as:
- patient education
- oral prophylaxis
- patient data gathering for diagnosis and treatment planning
- fluoride treatment
- sealant application
- radiographic examination
- nutritional counseling
- periodontal diseases prevention and treatment
- treatment of handicapped, institutionalized, and other medically compromised patients
- administration of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide
In an expanded role of the dental hygienist training includes Interim Therapeutic Restorations (ITR).
Dental hygiene is a dynamic health care discipline with an excellent career outlook. Upon completion of an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S) degree in dental hygiene and successful completion of the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) as well as regional clinical examination, graduates will become eligible to apply for a Registered Dental Hygienist licensure. Once licensed, a dental hygienist may be employed in a variety of settings which include:
- General Practice
- Periodontic Practice
- Pediatric Practice
- Independent Practice
- Public Health Setting
The Dental Hygiene program at Pikes Peak State College is a competitive 60-credit hour professional program administered through the Health Sciences division. To be considered for the Dental Hygiene program, candidates must complete 31-credit hours of pre-requisite course work and satisfy all application requirements prior to application submission. A minimum of 3 out of 4 science and 2 out of 5 Gen Ed prerequisite courses MUST be completed at the time of application to the Dental Hygiene program. A minimum of 19 credits of pre-requisite coursework and/or 24 credits of DEA coursework must be completed at the time of the application, with the remainder to be completed at the minimum satisfactory level (a “C” or higher) at the conclusion of the Spring semester. Accepted applicants who do not have all pre-require coursework completed at the time of application will be granted a conditional acceptance with the requirement of having to successfully complete the remainder of the pre-requisite coursework before enrolling in the dental hygiene (DEH) courses. Unsuccessful completion of the remainder of the pre-requisite courses will disqualify the candidate from enrolling in the dental hygiene courses and the student will be dropped from the program, even if they have been conditionally accepted. See the application requirements page for more specific information on the application process.
Program mission statement
The Dental Hygiene program at the Pikes Peak State College strives to provide high quality education by employing learner-centered, evidence-based curriculum that will produce competent and confident leaders in the dental hygiene field who will meet the needs of a culturally & ethnically diverse population. The program will cultivate life-long learners who will strive for ethical personal and professional excellence.
Dental Hygiene program vision
Pikes Peak State College’s Dental Hygiene program will ensure student success by providing learner-centered, evidence-based curriculum that will produce highly competent and confident leaders in the dental hygiene field who will meet the needs of a culturally & ethnically diverse population.
Program goals/outcomes
The Dental Hygiene program at the Pikes Peak State College will:
- Be the professional leader in administering a cutting-edge, evidence-based, interprofessional-minded, learner-centered program that will result in highly skilled, competent dental hygiene professionals who will meet the needs of a culturally & ethnically diverse population.
- Recruit a diverse student body that is representative of the population at large.
- Cultivate life-long learners who will strive for ethical personal and professional excellence.
- Serve the Colorado Springs and greater El Paso County population by providing quality patient-centered dental hygiene care and oral care education.
- Serve the dental professional community by providing leadership and resources for professional development.
- Collaborate with other professional programs at the PPSC and other dental hygiene programs in the state.
Program values
Consistent with the PPSC values, the Dental Hygiene program values community built on learning, mutual respect, and diversity.
We demonstrate these values in the following ways:
- Teaching and Learning: Our primary commitment is to student learning, success, and achievement, while promoting open and universal access to an affordable education and affirming the importance of our facilities and learning environments.
- Mutual Respect and Accountability: Because people are our greatest resource, we foster a culture rooted in civility, mutual trust, and support, and hold ourselves accountable for our decisions and actions.
- Community and Diversity: We engage and support our community while embracing diversity, as it enriches lives and educational experiences.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Dental Hygiene degree program, students should be able to:
- Establish dental hygiene diagnosis and treatment planning along with dental hygiene process of care in providing comprehensive, quality patient care
- Provide individualized, culturally competent patient educational services to promote health maintenance and disease prevention
- Plan and provide oral health programs to the public in collaboration with stakeholders and other health care professionals to promote oral and general health
- Examine the validity of foundational knowledge, information, products and/or techniques and their relevance to the practice of dental hygiene using evidence-based research
- Apply principles of ethical behavior in the decision-making process, and critical thinking skills as they pertain to the academic environment, research, patient care, and dental hygiene practice
- Report on professional responsibilities as it applies to the legal and regulatory concepts in the provision and/or support of oral health care services
- Record self-assessment to monitor knowledge and performance to foster personal and professional growth
- Practice cultural sensitivity and interpersonal communication skills required for effective collaboration with diverse population groups and other professionals in the health care system
- Report professional growth from participation in professional activities and continuing education