Mar 04, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Educational Programs

Degree and Certificate Criteria



AA/AS Degrees with Designation - A Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement, known as a Degree with Designation (DwD) in the Colorado Community College System, is an agreement among Colorado community colleges and four-year colleges/universities. These agreements allow you to graduate from a community college with a 60 credit Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree with designation, such as an Associate of Arts in Business; enroll with junior status at a university; and complete the bachelor’s degree in no more than an additional 60 credits (for a total of 120 credits) unless the Colorado Commission on Higher Education has approved an exception. If you attend full-time (15 credits per semester), do not need developmental courses, and follow the structured schedule, you can complete your bachelor’s degree in four years.

AA/AS Without Designation - These are the following degree programs that are not included under the state articulation agreements. When you finish these programs, the degree will read Associate of Arts/Science without the “in a discipline” designation. These degrees are still covered under institutional agreements between a community college and a four-year college/university. However, check with your academic or faculty advisor discuss the transfer options. Disciplines without degrees with designation include Dance, Environmental Sustainability Studies, World Language, Humanities, Professional Writing, Social Work Transfer.

  allows maximum flexibility to mix career and transfer courses with options for possible transferability. Some credits may not transfer and is not approved for 60/60 articulation.

  programs are designed for entry to the workforce. These also include Career and Technical Education.

  is designed for students who intend to pursue a four-year degree in an engineering field.

Bachelor of Applied Science Degree (BAS) is the designated degree for flexible baccalaureate programs that are designed to accommodate the unique demands for entry and advancement within specific workforce sectors. BAS programs provide degree completion opportunities for students from a variety of educational backgrounds, but primarily those with Associate of Applied Science Degrees AAS and Certificates  or the equivalent.

BAS degrees typically build on the curriculum requirements for an AAS degree. As such, BAS degrees are often considered to be stackable degrees, meaning that all of the requirements for the AAS degree are either included in, or receive full recognition and credit within the BAS program requirements. Consequently, both the technical and general education courses completed in an AAS degree count fully toward BAS degree requirements.

Because the general education requirements often vary considerably for AAS degrees due to the targeted focus of their career and technical fields, PPSC provides great flexibility to faculty in structuring AAS degree general education requirements. It is the intent of the general education philosophy for BAS degrees that all general education courses successfully completed by students in their AAS degrees count fully toward the overall BAS general education requirements.

The Bachelor of Applied Science degree is designed to provide a four-year degree in a true 2+2 manner for students who already have an Associate of Applied Science degree and are ready to take on more technical responsibility. This is a popular option for workforce development and advancement. This degree provides students with an academic training to further their careers.

Each BAS completion degree will have 120 credit hours. Thirty of these credits must be taken in residence at PPSC per the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation requirements. Admission criteria may change depending on the degree and academic advising is key to understanding the requirements for admission.

Prerequisites: Completion of an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in the appropriate field of study.

All degree programs include some General Education courses, which contribute to a student’s holistic education but do not directly apply to a specific profession. All AA and AS degrees will include State Guaranteed General Education Transfer courses that are a part of the GT Pathways. These are guaranteed to transfer to every public Colorado college and university, if a student earns a C- or higher. These courses will apply to the GT Pathways requirements in AA, AS, and some bachelor’s degree programs. See the GT Pathways Matrix for more information.

GT Pathways courses, in which the student earns a C- or higher, will always transfer and apply to GT Pathways requirements in AA, AS and most bachelor’s degrees at every public Colorado college and university. GT Pathways does not apply to some degrees. You should always seek advising from the appropriate advisor at the college or university you plan to attend to ensure you are selecting the appropriate coursework for your degree and that it will apply to those degree requirements.

Degree Eligibility

Students who receive an AGS degree may subsequently pursue an AA, AS, or AAS degree. If they have received an AAS degree, they may pursue an AA, AS, or AGS degree. However, students who have completed the degree requirements for an AA or AS degree from PPSC may not then also apply for an AGS degree.

PPSC will accept 45 applicable credits toward a second degree or certificate.

Having earned an associate or higher academic degree from an accredited school generally disqualifies students from receiving an associate degree from PPSC in an identical or closely related program. However, students may appeal this decision.

College Preparatory Programs

Purpose and Goals

To maximize student success, PPSC provides college preparatory courses so students can be assured they are prepared to begin their course of study. Students enroll in college prep courses in mathematics and/or English to support their work in college-level courses as well as for personal enrichment. 

Students who place into college prep courses in mathematics and/or English are encouraged to complete college prep courses within the first 30 semester credit hours. Students who have not completed college prep courses and have completed 30 or more semester credit hours are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor before registering for additional coursework. 




Class Format Options

PPSC offers a variety of learning options for students including traditional (classroom based), online, and alternate deliveries. Go to

Online and alternative delivery classes meet the same class outcomes as their traditional counterparts and are subject to the same transfer agreements. In addition, there are transfer agreements with colleges both in-state and out-of-state that offer baccalaureate completion programs using distance/electronic technology.

Traditional Classes 

Classroom-based, face-to-face classes that meet on campus at pre-determined times.

Online Classes

Classes are entirely online with no real-time expectations. Classes may be taken using home computers or the computers at PPSC in the instructional computer labs. Internet access is required.

CO Online @ Consortium (Sections Z11, Z21, Z41, Z51)

Courses are offered through a consortium of thirteen community colleges in Colorado. Students will register as a PPSC student, but an instructor may teach the class from any of the thirteen colleges. For more information regarding CO Online classes go to

CO Online @ PPSC (Sections 1N1, 2N1, 3N1, etc.)

PPSC online class taught by PPSC instructors. If you are interested in registering for a CO Online @ PPSC class, look for sections with an N in the section number (for example, BUS 115-1N1).

1N* sections are Full semester courses

2N* sections are 1st Bi-Semester courses

3N* sections are 2nd Bi-Semester courses

4N* sections are Late Start courses

Hyflex Classes

A highly flexible experience where the class is delivered entirely remotely in real-time, entirely in person in real-time, or a combination of the two. For Hyflex with Lab classes, lab will require in-person attendance.

Hybrid Classes (Sections 1H1, 2H1, 3H1, etc.)

Part online, part in the classroom. Hybrid courses are courses that combine on-campus classroom instruction with online learning components and/or out-of-class activities. Hybrid learning is for students who wish to combine the flexibility of face-to-face instruction with activities such as online collaborative discussions, group projects, and/or other out-of-class assignments. In a Hybrid class, traditional face-to-face instruction will be reduced but not eliminated. Internet access is required for the online class activities.

If you are interested in registering for a Hybrid class, look for sections with an H in the section number (for example, BUS 115 1H1).

1H* sections meet at Centennial Campus

2H* sections meet at Rampart Range Campus

3H* sections meet at the Downtown Studio Campus

9H* sections meet at various Military installations

Remote Classes

Class will be taught in real-time with 100% remote delivery at pre-determined times. There is no scheduled in person attendance. Class will be 100% real-time live meetings delivered remotely via technology.

If you are interested in registering for a Remote Class, look for sections with a V in the section number (for examples, BUS 115 1V1).

1V* sections are Full semester courses

2V* sections are Bi-Semester courses

3V* sections are Tri-Semester courses

4V* sections are Late Start courses

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Students may earn credit for prior learning outside the classroom. Prior Learning Assessment must apply to a declared degree or certificate. Credit will be evaluated for:

  • portfolio: learning through experiences such as reading and study, work, and on-the-job training or special classes
  • standardized testing: a satisfactory score on nationally accepted tests such as CLEP and DSST
  • Institutional Challenge Exam: institutional exams developed by faculty that are typically the equivalent of a comprehensive final exam and may include a skills demonstration to assess mastery of the competencies required for the CCNS course being challenged
  • published guide: learning given in a nontraditional setting such as a military or industry classroom which must be evaluated in a published guide by a nationally known organization such as the American Council on Education (ACE)

PPSC evaluates prior learning through the Prior Learning Assessment program (PLA). Students may receive up to 75 percent of their total credits for all types of prior learning.

Students who wish to receive credit for prior learning and plan to transfer to another college or university should verify these credits will transfer. Policies on awarding transfer credit vary from institution to institution.

For more information, contact or call 719-502-3000. Military and Veteran students, contact Department of Military & Veterans Programs at

Independent Study Courses

Extended learning options may be offered for students who cannot come to the PPSC campus or cannot attend courses that are scheduled for a standard semester. Learning options available for both regular curriculum and special contract programs include independent study.

College credit can be awarded for these courses.

Students receiving financial aid are cautioned to contact the Student Services Centers when registering for independent study courses.

Service Learning

Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with course content and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach social and civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Service learning is fully integrated into the formal academic course. For additional information and to see a current list of classes offered, visit

Options for Current High School Students

Centennial• A-220•719-502-3111

Career Start

High school juniors and seniors may enroll in Career Start which provides career and technical training in the program areas listed below. Career Start is a cohort program that enrolls students into Pikes Peak State courses applicable to a career pathway for college and high school credit. Classes are in person on the Centennial Campus from 9-11:40 a.m., Monday through Friday and follow a Career Start specific calendar.

Career Start Programs

  • Automotive Collision Technology
  • Automotive Technology
  • Behavioral Health
  • Broadcasting and Electronic Media
  • Building and Construction Technology
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Criminal Justice
  • Culinary Arts
  • Cybersecurity
  • Diesel Technology
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Fire Science Technology
  • Medical & Office Pathway (Records, Reception, and Billing and Coding)
  • Multimedia Graphic Design
  • Veterinary Assisting
  • Welding
  • Zoo Keeping Technology

Students enroll in the Career Start as part of their daily high school schedule. School districts under contract pay the costs of this program. The Career Start program delivers career and technical education that provides each student with the concepts, academic and technical competencies, career skills, attitudes, and work habits essential to gain entry-level employment following high school graduation.

Instruction is provided in a two hour and forty-minute day, five-day-a-week schedule throughout the school year. Instruction is provided in classrooms, laboratories, and community settings that use equipment similar to that used in business and industry.

Enrollment in Career Start is completed at the high school. Contact your high school counselor or call PPSC High School Programs at 719-502-3111 for more information.

Articulation Agreements

High school students may earn college credits by successfully earning an A or B grade in approved career technical education courses at their high school. Pikes Peak State College has articulation agreements with most local school districts. A transcription fee of $10 per PPSC course is applicable. Articulated courses can apply toward corresponding degrees and certificates at Pikes Peak State College but are not designated as transfer courses to four-year colleges and universities. For more information, call PPSC High School Programs at 719-502-3111.

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment (CE) allows high school students to take college classes at PPSC and earn high school and college credit. Students enroll in courses for which they meet the prerequisites and are applicable to their future career and academic goals.

To participate in CE, students must obtain permission from a parent or guardian, high school counselor and/or district administrator and must apply for the College Opportunity Fund (COF). School districts under contract must pay for the tuition and may pay for fees and/or books for qualifying courses. Contact your high school counselor for more specific information. Home-schooled students are also welcome to participate with school district sponsorship. Contact the High School Programs Office at 719-502-3111 for more information.

Degree Start

Degree Start is a program for junior and senior high school students majoring in transfer degrees at Pikes Peak State College Students interested in Degree Start demonstrate their readiness to be successful in college level courses through placement testing. Classes are in person on the Centennial Campus from 9-11:40 a.m., Monday through Friday and follow the traditional college instructional calendar. Students should talk with their high school counselors to determine if Degree Start is a good fit to meet high school graduation requirements and to start earning college credits toward a transfer degree. For more information, contact High School Programs at 719-502-3111 or


The Pivot Dropout Recovery program is an opportunity for students between the ages of 16-20 who have disengaged or are at risk of disengaging from their high schools to earn a high school diploma and college credits.

There are three criteria for identifying the ideal candidate:

• A student who expresses the desire to complete a high school diploma (rather than an equivalency diploma).

• A student who is at least 16 years old and who can earn enough high school credits to fulfill graduation requirements by 21 years of age.

• A student who has expressed some interest in post-secondary education or training.

School districts under contract with Pikes Peak State pay the costs of this program. Students taking part in Pivot need to be re-enrolled through a district program or school so that they may continue to add credits to a high school transcript. A school counselor supports the Pivot Success Coach with the development of a student success plan. Pivot students spend 100% of their school time on the college campus. For more information, contact High School Programs at 719-502-3111 or

High School Student Records

All students attending courses at PPSC are assumed to be independent, and therefore, information regarding their student records is not provided to parents. Students may authorize the release of any data to any person or agency by completing the “Release of Non-Directory Information” form. For additional information on options available for current high school students, visit