Mar 04, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Student Experience & Leadership

Centennial • A-205 • 719-502-2522
Downtown • South Building, First Floor • 719-502-2538
Rampart Range • S-207 • 719-502-2577

Student Activities & Programs

Student Experience & Leadership creates spaces for building community and belonging through campus programs, events, clubs, organizations, and virtual platforms. Through collaborative programming, leadership and personal growth development, we aim to empower students to become active participants in creating a more inclusive, just, and liberated campus community.  The Student Experience & Leadership office offers a full schedule of cultural, wellness, arts, and topical events aimed at enriching the student experience on campus. These events are either stand-alone or co-curricular, teaming up with faculty to enhance learning outside of the classroom. Lifestyle activities include personal growth-focused, career readiness, and lifestyle planning programs. Student activities include a focus on inclusive programming such as Hispanic Heritage Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, LGBTQIA+ History Month, Native American History Month, Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Asian, and Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander History Month. Current events are covered with a wide range of speakers, panels, forums, trainings, and workshops. The Student Experience & Leadership office invites your ideas and participation. Please call 719-502-2522 or email for more information.

Multipurpose Areas

Centennial Campus houses a multipurpose area, called The Grove, where students, faculty, and staff can host trainings, workshops, meetings, and wide variety of activities to build community. When The grove is not in use for a program, this facility serves as a space comfort and concentration where students can find a lounge area, study space, TV, music, and games. The Student Experience & Leadership office at the Centennial Campus is located in an office next to The Grove. These spaces are located in the Aspen Building on the second floor and the Student Experience & Leadership office in room A-205.

The Downtown Studio and Rampart Range Campuses each house student space for lounges, study areas, games, and student activities. The Student Lounge area at the Rampart Range Campus is located on the second floor next to the Student Experience & Leadership office. The Student Experience & Leadership office located on the second floor in room S-207 at the Rampart Range Campus. The Student Experience & Leadership desk at the Downtown Studio Campus is located on the first floor of the South Building in the Learning Commons.

Mission Statement: Student Experience & Leadership is dedicated to fostering an inclusive campus environment where every student feels valued, empowered, connected, and affirmed. We are committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, justice, and leadership in all aspects of the student experience. Our mission is to create opportunities for meaningful engagement, cultivate a sense of community, and support the holistic development of all students.

Student ID Cards

Every PPSC student needs a photo Student Identification Card. A properly validated Student ID Card enables students to use the library to check out materials, use the computer lab, print from the computers, and, depending on the student’s program, allow them to do their practicum hours. The Student Identification Card for students at the Downtown Studio Campus allow them access to the building outside of operational hours until the building closes. The Student Identification Card also entitles students to free or reduced admission to student plays, dances, events, and other activities; as well as discounts to shopping and restaurants. Thanks to Student Fees, the Student ID also serves as their Mountain Metro Transit Bus Pass to incentives students to use public transportation to campuses and around town.

Students may obtain a Student ID Card after enrolling in classes of their first semester at PPSC. Students can obtain their Student ID Card by having a copy of their schedule and visiting the Student Leadership & Experience front desks at the Centennial and Rampart Range Campuses or if you are a student at the Downtown Studio Campus you may obtain your Student ID Card from the Student Experience & Leadership desk location there. This ID is valid for the student’s entire career at PPSC. If the ID Card is lost, students can obtain a replacement ID for a charge. Proof of enrollment to PPSC is required for all new and replacement IDs.

Other Photo ID’s: The Student Experience & Leadership office will also produce special ID’s for nursing practicum students, Police Academy, Emergency Medical Tech, or if a special arrangement is made with a department.

Office of Sustainability

Centennial • C-201 • 719-502-2530

The Office of Sustainability at Pikes Peak State College utilizes the framework of the 2030 Global Sustainable Development Goals as a guide to creating priorities to educate and advance causes of local organizations, important movements of our planet, & prosperity for current and future generations desires to work collaboratively with other local colleges and our Colorado Springs community we hope to ensure sustainability across our college campuses, communities, and the state. The Office of Sustainability works with students, faculty, and staff in addressing the sustainability challenges of the 21st century. With an increase in environmental issues the Office of Sustainability addresses these current issues through lifelong learning, transformative action, and innovative leadership. Sustainability explores the connections between economic prosperity, social equity, and environmental health. These concepts and practices prepare students to address society’s most pressing problems and give them a competitive advantage in applying for jobs.

Pikes Peak State College is the first and only community college in Colorado to have a dedicated Office of Sustainability. Our vision is for a thriving, equitable, and resilient Pikes Peak State College. Our mission is to foster a culture of resource conservation, social equity, and environmental stewardship at PPSC. The Green Campus Fee of $0.39 per credit hour supports a sustainability coordinator and operating budget.

Our Services

  • Employment & Development: We provide employment opportunities for all students and develop them to be sustainability ambassadors across our campuses.
  • Engagement: We partner with staff and faculty to plan events, activities, and educational opportunities such as trainings and workshops.
  • Academic: We support faculty in incorporating sustainability into their classes.
  • Operations: We advise staff on reducing waste, increasing resource efficiency, and purchasing sustainable products and services.
  • Strategic Planning: We collaborate with administrators to integrate sustainability into the college’s strategic plan and conduct college-wide sustainability assessments.
  • Community Outreach: We partner with community organizations and local institutions of higher education to mutually exchange resources and opportunities.

 To learn more and get involved, visit our website: or email . The Office of Sustainability is located at the Centennial Campus in the Centennial Building in room C-201.

Recreation and Wellness

Centennial • A-262 • 719-502-2555

The Office for Recreation and Wellness is located at the Centennial Campus Fitness Center on the Aspen Building room A-262. The Fitness Center is a state-of-the-art cardiovascular/weight training facility with fully functional training areas. The facility has computerized bicycles and treadmills; a weightlifting circuit, elliptical trainers, AMTs; stair stepper, C2 rowers, Airdynes, bench press, squat stations, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and much more.

The gymnasium is open for recreation use by students, college employees, and employee family members as long as academic classes are not taking place. Student membership is covered by student fees and faculty, staff, and employee family memberships are paid semesterly. Open gym activities include basketball, volleyball and spike ball. The recreation program includes monthly challenges, intramural sports, sport clubs, wellness events, and outdoor equipment rentals. The office schedules and coordinates the Fitness Center gymnasium, track and soccer field.

A student ID is required to gain access to the facility. On the first visit members will register, sign waivers, and go through a brief orientation. It is the policy of the Office of Recreation and Wellness and the PPSC Fitness Center to promote health and wellness while encouraging members to engage in safe conduct while participating in Recreation and Wellness services, activities, and events while utilizing recreational facilities. Accordingly, in addition to encouraging members to use good judgment, the Office of Recreation and Wellness has adopted this policy and authorized the Fitness Center to approve rules designed to encourage safe behavior on the part of current members of the Fitness Center. If you have any questions, please contact office at 719-502-3514 or email

PPSC Clubs and Organizations

PPSC Clubs & Organizations provide students with opportunities to engage, learn, and lead in topics they are interested or passionate about while developing lifelong organizational and leadership skills. If there’s something students are passionate, driven, and interested in that currently is not offered as a club or an organization, students are encouraged to gather a group of five or more students and an advisor to start their club or organization! Clubs and organizations are open to all enrolled students. Some are geared towards specific academic, vocational programs, shared identities, hobbies, and a vast majority of interests. Organizations may have membership dues and grade-point-average (GPA) requirements.

We currently have 20 student clubs and organizations available on campus and are expanding! Some are active relative to an academic professional area such as Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK), Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)/Future Business Leaders Association, Culinary Club, and the Student Nurse Council to name a few. Others are related to affinity and Shared identities such as the Student Veteran Organization (SVO), Queer Empowerment, Neurodiversity Club, Black Student Union, and Latino Alliance to name a few. Involvement in clubs and organizations is a great way to meet students, to learn and practice leadership skills, build professional networks, gain a sense of belonging, and have fun at PPSC!

Student Government Association

PPSC’s Student Government Association (SGA) at Pikes Peak State College is the official representative voice for the student body. They seek to create an environment of growth and success through the guidance and development of character and by promoting change in favor of the student’s interests, needs, and welfare. Participation in the Student Government Association is a great way to strengthen leadership skills, social development, and advocacy. Student leaders work on various issues affecting students and allocate student activity fees to enhance campus life. The Student Government Association is composed of the president, vice president, three senators and a State Student Advisory Council representative. Twice a month SGA has a Joint Session meeting that is open to the public. As a member of the PPSC community, you can come to these meetings with any topics or concerns you would like to discuss.

Elections are held during spring term. The executive officers and senators are elected during spring term. All elections are done via an online ballot through student emails.